Pockets Of Gold, 2019
Pockets Of Gold, 2019
Experimental screen print on silk
Acid dye formula
78 x 164cm | 31 x 65in
Pockets of Gold. Is about finding those small pockets of gold, those golden moments, golden windows, golden perspectives within the darker shades and tones of life.
For me this piece was a really beautiful introspection. The areas perceived as black have subtle tones of green, purple and blue. Which to me shed light on the different tones and colours that we can experience in times when we feel like everything is very dark and all consuming.
These tones and colours that reveal themselves, reveal new perspectives, lessons, ideas, realisations and reasonings which give us greater understanding of why things happen in life rather than losing ourselves in the darkness, we find that rationality, the meaning and the window to help us come into a space where things seem clearer and more pure. Into the pockets of gold.