Abracadabra's Sister, 2020
Abracadabra's Sister, 2020
Experimental screen print on silk
Procion dye formular.
48 x 88cm | 19 x 35in
Abracadabra, a mystical word for magic. Abracadabras sister is a type of magic from the same family but different. She represents the idea that although we come from the same family, same place, same time we can still preform our own unique and different magic. It may be similar, have similar inspiration or it may be completely different. It’s great in all its aspects.
We are not limited by our environments, our families we are only limited by our beliefs about them. Perspective can shape the way we see ourselves and experience reality. We are all sovereign beings, no matter where we come from, who we come from, what we look like and all our external identity that we are given.
Inside the magic that we have to offer is authentic and comes from a place not bound by the identity that we create and live by in this reality. It comes from a place that can’t be touched by the conditioned restraints put on us in the conditioned reality.
Your magic is unique and powerful no matter what circumstance you come from.