Red Path, 2019

Red Path, 2019

from £1,808.00

Experimental screen print on silk

Acid dye formulars used.

128 x 187cm | 50 x 74in

The Red Path is an expression of nature in its structural form. Using squares to represent a type of structure that we can perceive by eye but beyond this structure there is a weaving of many more structures. Using texture to resemble this weaving.

Within this weaving the structure is a unified whole. It’s divided into directions, into paths , 1 of 4 paths, 1 of 4 directions but in finality it is one part of a whole. Within this whole there are many ways, moves, layers and possibilities.

This is a micro way of looking at the marco universe. There are so many ways and possibilities but it is to find our way that is unique to us. The Red Path represents one unique way.

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